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  • "GeoNet Aotearoa New Zealand Stations Metadata Repository" is a relational database providing information about current and past instruments forming the GeoNet's continuously recording sensor network. The database contains information around networks, station geographical location, installed scientific equipment and their deployment history, calibration files and essential information about the physical environment in which those instruments are located. Stations metadata are provided in tabular format and information about different type of networks might be integrated and combined in the same file or group of files. The database is maintained and curated by GNS Science through the GeoNet programme. It covers a time range that precedes the programme and contains metadata of recording stations that were operating in the early 20th century. The database structure is not domain specific, and it is published in a version controlled system. The "GeoNet Aotearoa New Zealand stations metadata repository" is archived and publicly available and commonly referred to as "delta". This dataset is funded by the New Zealand Government through its agencies: DOI : 10.21420/0VY2-C144 Cite as: GNS Science. (2019). GeoNet Aotearoa New Zealand Stations Metadata Repository [Data set]. GNS Science, GeoNet.